
计算机科学辅修课程为学生在日益技术驱动的世界中茁壮成长做好准备. 学生们接受计算机基本原理的教育, 以及应用程序开发方面的培训, 将这种教育和培训与他们的其他兴趣结合起来,无论他们的研究领域如何,都能产生影响.

Fast Facts
  • 由计算机协会指导的课程
  • Member of National Center for Women & Information Technology’s Academic Alliance, and Southern Learning Circle, and of San Antonio Women in Technology
  • 网络创新与研究联盟成员
Student looking at computer code.


What You'll Study

An algorithm for success



计算机科学教师都是热心的研究人员, 兴趣横跨广泛的主题, including theory, ethics, security, simulation of physical and social systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, bioinformatics, educational game design, mobile systems, and more. 学生不只是在课堂上学习这些科目, though—they can research alongside faculty, 获得尖端技术的实践经验.

Headshot of Yu Zhang
Yu Zhang, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Seth Fogarty
Seth Fogarty, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
headshot of Matthew Hibbs_2022
Matthew Hibbs, Ph.D.
Associate Professor
Britton Horn
Britton Horn, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
" "
Connie McCollum
Part-Time Faculty
Paul Myers
Paul Myers, Ph.D.
" "
Richard Ongkiko
Part-Time Faculty
Sheng Tan
Sheng Tan, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
" "
Eva Tuba
Assistant Professor

Student Opportunities


Research Opportunities

学生参与教师的研究项目,并有机会在会议上展示他们的研究, where they interact with other...

Experiential Learning


Spaces and Facilities



Student Organizations

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

Trinity University Women in Computing (TUWIC)


When You Graduate

Programmed for Success

我们的世界越来越依赖于技术,并且辅修了计算机科学, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网的学生拥有非常抢手的技能来茁壮成长, 无论他们从事什么职业或攻读什么研究生课程.



辅修计算机科学使毕业生在我们这个技术驱动的世界中占有优势. 学生离开澳门金沙线上赌博官网时具备计算机科学的入门级职业技能, an asset for many career paths, 包括计算机已成为主要研究工具的领域的研究生学习. 各种规模的企业都在招聘澳门金沙线上赌博官网的校友, 还有研究机构和政府机构.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • Harvard
  • Indiana University
  • Princeton
  • Rice University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Career Areas:

  • Consulting
  • Data analysis
  • 其他it相关工作,如数据库管理和信息系统管理
  • Project management
  • Software development/engineering


  • Amazon
  • Dell
  • Google
  • HEB
  • IBM
  • Intel
  • Microsoft
  • Rackspace
  • Twitter
  • USAA

Take the next step

Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何澳门金沙线上赌博官网,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.