
计算机第二专业的学生掌握计算机的基本原理, 同时在系统和应用程序的设计和开发方面进行培训.

这个B.A. 准备学生的职业生涯或研究生工作的领域,需要扎实的理解计算, 并与另一个“大”专业如工程或物理相结合.

  • 由计算机协会指导的课程
  • Member of National Center for Women & Information Technology’s Academic Alliance, and Southern Learning Circle, and of 圣安东尼奥 Women in Technology
  • 网络创新与研究联盟成员
Student looks at code on a computer.


What You'll Study

An algorithm for success


Experts in their field, mentors in the classroom

Computer science faculty are avid researchers, with interests spanning a broad range of topics,包括 theory, 道德, 安全, simulation of physical and social systems, artificial intelligence and machine learning, bioinformatics, educational game design, mobile systems, 和更多的. 学生不只是在课堂上学习这些科目, though—they can research alongside faculty, 获得尖端技术的实践经验.

Headshot of Yu Zhang
Yu Zhang, Ph.D.
Department Chair
Seth Fogarty
Seth Fogarty, Ph.D.
Associate 教授
headshot of Matthew Hibbs_2022
Matthew Hibbs, Ph.D.
Associate 教授
Britton Horn
Britton Horn, Ph.D.
Assistant 教授
" "
Connie McCollum
Part-Time 教师
保罗•迈尔斯, Ph.D.
Caruth Distinguished 教授 of Computer Science
" "
Richard Ongkiko
Part-Time 教师
盛谭, Ph.D.
Assistant 教授
" "
Assistant 教授

Student Opportunities

Byte into the real world with hands-on learning



HEP fellowships support summer research.


研究 Opportunities

学生参与教师的研究项目,并有机会在会议上展示他们的研究, where they interact with other...

Experiential Learning

许多学生参加带薪暑期实习或研究项目, and for their senior capstone, the majority of students complete a year-long...

Spaces and Facilities


Student Organizations

Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)

澳门金沙线上赌博官网 University Women in Computing (TUWIC)

澳门金沙线上赌博官网 Women In Science and Technology (TWIST) 

Lecture Series and Annual Events

澳门金沙线上赌博官网’s computer science-related events include...

When You Graduate

Programmed for Success

我们的世界越来越依赖于技术——第二专业是计算机科学, 澳门金沙线上赌博官网的学生拥有非常抢手的技能,这使他们在这个越来越依赖科技的世界中占据优势, 不管他们毕业后从事什么领域.



计算机科学是一个令人垂涎的领域,无论在哪个行业,毕业生都很抢手. 各种规模的企业都在招聘澳门金沙线上赌博官网的校友, as well as research and government organizations, and some also pursue graduate studies.

Graduate Schools or Programs:

  • 哈佛大学
  • Indiana University
  • 普林斯顿大学
  • Rice University
  • University of Chicago
  • University of Massachusetts at Amherst

Career Areas:

  • 咨询
  • Database administration
  • Data analysis
  • Information systems management
  • Project management
  • Software development/engineering


  • 亚马逊
  • 戴尔
  • 谷歌
  • IBM
  • 英特尔
  • 微软
  • Rackspace
  • 推特
  • USAA保险公司


Take the next step

Have more questions or want more information? 了解更多关于如何澳门金沙线上赌博官网,以及如何加快你的下一步教育.